What is scientific movement?


Reasonable and scientific exercise can relieve the body’s fatigue state and improve the body’s adaptability and tolerance. Choosing scientific exercise methods can effectively prevent diseases, reduce the rate of aging, move the body towards health, and thereby improve the quality of life. Medical research shows that people who exercise for more than one hour a day have a rate of cardiac ischemia that is one-fourth that of people who exercise very little. Scientific exercise promotes growth and development and delays aging, and can also prevent anxiety, depression and most chronic diseases. Of course, different groups of people have different influences and needs on scientific fitness, and their effects are also different.

There are so many ways to exercise, so what kind of exercise is best for you?

Before choosing exercise, you should perform physical activities based on your own health condition that can improve your physiological functions and quality, so as to promote healthy physical activities.

Mainly to enhance physical fitness

If you want to strengthen your body as the main purpose and engage in long-term physical fitness activities, you can choose aerobic exercise, ball games and traditional Chinese fitness exercises (Tai Chi, Tai Chi Push Hands, Yi Jin Jing, etc.)

Mainly to improve cardiopulmonary function

You can choose aerobic exercise, or tennis, volleyball, table tennis and other ball games that can involve the whole body muscles.

Focus on weight loss

Choose long-duration aerobic exercise. Moderate-intensity and long-term exercise and fitness activities can increase body fat consumption and reduce fat content. Long-term brisk walking, jogging, and cycling are very rational fitness exercises for people who want to lose weight.

Focus on regulating psychological state

People who exercise mainly to adjust their mentality should choose more entertaining ball games and traditional Chinese sports such as Tai Chi and Yi Jin Jing to relieve psychological pressure and improve sleep.

Focus on improving flexibility

Choose from a variety of aerobics, aerobics, Tai Chi, yoga and other exercises to improve flexibility.

Focus on improving response capabilities

Choose various ball sports, such as table tennis, badminton, basketball, football, tennis and other fast-paced sports involving the whole body muscles, which can improve the body’s reaction ability.

Under normal circumstances, it is more appropriate to exercise once every other day about three times a week. Scientific exercise can promote blood circulation, improve the body’s metabolic efficiency, exercise muscle strength, and enhance cardiopulmonary function. Therefore, moderate exercise can enhance body functions and improve the body’s immunity.

Because a lot of energy is consumed during exercise, if you do not stretch in time or do not stretch in place after exercise, it may cause some damage to muscles, nerves, bones and other tissues, so for the sake of safety, every other day or so Most suitable to restore damaged tissue. On the contrary, if you exercise too frequently, it may lead to accumulation of lactic acid, lower blood sugar, or insufficient blood supply, leading to uncomfortable symptoms such as dizziness, local soreness, and fatigue. If the frequency of exercise is too low, it may result in poor results.

The exercise time for the general public can be kept at 30 to 60 minutes each time, and the cumulative exercise time per week is about 150 minutes. If you are just starting to exercise and have a weak physique, you can proceed slowly, gradually starting with a smaller amount of exercise and a lighter intensity of exercise. People with long-term exercise experience and good physical fitness can perform a larger amount of moderate to large-intensity exercise, but they must also pay attention to the intensity of exercise and proceed step by step.

  • 1: The best time to exercise in summer is in the morning or evening, because these two time periods are cooler than noon. Try to avoid 12 noon to 4 pm. The ultraviolet rays in this time period are the strongest and are Direct ultraviolet rays can irritate the skin, retina, etc., making heat stroke more likely, and in severe cases, it can even lead to heat stroke.
  • 2: When exercising outdoors, try to choose a shady place with a wider space. When exercising indoors, avoid facing the cold air from the air conditioner, because the capillaries in the skin will expand after exercise. Too cold temperature will close the pores and constrict the blood vessels, making it easier to cause colds and colds.
  • 3: Summer exercise requires a lot of energy and you sweat too much, so it is recommended that the duration should not exceed 30 minutes to 1 hour. If you are too tired or have muscle soreness and discomfort, you should relax and rest appropriately, stop exercising, and do not force it. Own.
  • 4: When exercising, you should also pay attention to scientific water replenishment. It is best to use 150-200 ml of light salt water each time to replenish the electrolytes lost during exercise. However, it should be noted that you should not replenish a large amount of water at one time to avoid blood dilution and increase gastrointestinal function. Intestinal and cardiac load.

Excessive and unreasonable exercise is bad for your health, so please do reasonable, healthy and safe exercise every day to make exercise a happy thing.

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