Introduction to the most complete fitness equipment in the gym – Anaerobic fitness equipment


Virtually all the equipment in the gym can be used for anaerobic exercise.

Common gym anaerobic equipment include: barbells, dumbbells, gantry racks, bench presses, chest presses, big flyes, Smith racks, comprehensive trainers, seated rowing machines, etc.


The barbell has a wide range of uses, whether it is the muscles of the shoulders, back, arms, chest, etc., by using the barbell and iron plates of different weights, multiple times of special muscle strength training techniques can be used to perform muscle endurance training for the whole body muscle groups. Burn fat and convert it into toned lines, strengthen muscle strength, enhance the core ability of the body, and improve muscles that are still loose after long-term exercise; in addition, it can also delay muscle aging, increase bone density, prevent osteoporosis, etc., and improve endocrine system , improve body coordination, is one of the exercises that men and women who want to keep fit can engage in exercise.


Dumbbell is an auxiliary equipment for weightlifting and fitness exercises, used to enhance muscle strength training.

Practicing dumbbells for a long time can modify muscle lines and increase muscle endurance. Regular exercises with heavy dumbbells can make muscles strong, strengthen muscle fibers, and increase muscle strength.

It can exercise upper limb muscles, waist and abdominal muscles. For example, when doing sit-ups, hold dumbbells tightly at the back of the neck with both hands, which can increase the load of abdominal muscle exercises; holding dumbbells in hand and doing side flexion or turning movements can exercise the internal and external oblique muscles; Arm raises, lateral raises, etc. can exercise shoulder and chest muscles.

It is recommended that each group should be practiced for 15-25 times or more, and the interval between each group should be controlled at 1-2 minutes.


As a kind of fitness equipment, the gantry is now a very famous piece of equipment that can help everyone exercise. In many sports, the gantry is also inseparable.

The best way to use the gantry to exercise your chest is to clamp your chest with ropes. In most cases, the gantry helps you exercise your back. If you want to exercise your chest, use the gantry to clamp your chest with ropes. This exercise method is very good. of.

Then there are standing rope pull-downs and single-cable rowing to train the latissimus dorsi muscles; if you want to use the gantry for fitness, you must first have a deeper understanding of the gantry, so that you can make full use of the gantry in subsequent exercises and fitness. shelf.

4、bench press

A large piece of equipment that can often be seen in the gym is the bench press. This bench press is generally used with barbells. Its characteristic is that it can withstand heavy gravity.

It can do flat bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, barbell squat, and even seated leg extension.

5、Chest press machine

The first key to using a chest press machine is to find your own suitable angle and height; when a person sits on the seat of the chest press machine, the head, upper back, and buttocks below can be close to the back of the seat. , then tighten the waist forward and try to prepare for training.

Hold your chest and abdomen straight, look straight, pay attention to breathing well, hold the handle tightly with both hands, try to exert force on your chest, push it forward, exhale and inhale, push it to the top, and at the same time, pay attention to the fact that your arm and elbow joints cannot be fully Straighten, wait until you push down to the top, pause for about a second, then restore, and repeat the exercise.

Practicing chest press mainly exercises the pectoralis major. In addition, it can also exercise the deltoid muscles and biceps of the body, which are the muscles of the arms and back respectively. If the exercise is successful, the contour line will also be very perfect.

6、big bird

Big Fly is the most suitable equipment for training chest muscles in the gym.

Big Flying Bird’s action essentials:

  • (1) Place an incline bench between the two pulleys, adjust the appropriate weight, and adjust the bottom of the pulleys. Lie on an incline bench, holding a handle in each hand. Keep your arms straight and together in front of your chest. is the starting position of the action.
  • (2) Bend your elbows slightly, lower your arms to both sides of your body in an arc, and inhale until your chest is fully stretched.
  • (3) Then return your arms to the starting position and exhale at the same time. After a brief pause at the top, move on to the next movement.
  • (4) The above is a complete movement, and the recommended number of repetitions is recommended.
  • Variations: You can change the subtle aspects of upper chest training by adjusting the angle of the incline bench.

Practicing Big Fly does not mean that the more sets the better, but it should be arranged according to your own physical fitness. In the early stage, you can test your own limit a few times, get an average number of sets, and then slowly increase it as you exercise.

7、Smith rack

The characteristic of the Smith frame is that it limits the sliding trajectory of the barbell. Whether doing squats or pressing, the trainer does not have to worry about sudden swings of the barbell back and forth. The Smith frame has many functions. The most common ones are squats and different postures. Bench press (incline, flat, decline), in addition, the Smith frame can also do prone rowing, bicep curls, heel raises, etc. It can be said that the Smith frame is a comprehensive fitness equipment.

8、Comprehensive trainer

Comprehensive training equipment is also called multi-functional training equipment (commonly used in gyms), and is often called comprehensive multi-functional training equipment. The comprehensive training device includes a main chassis. The two ends of the main chassis are respectively connected with front feet and rear feet. The upper surface of the main chassis is connected with an adjustment column, including an inclined part and an elbow part.

Front push, high pull (front), high pull (back), low pull, butterfly chest, kick, vertical back kick, vertical pull, bent arm pull-up, bent arm, abdominal strengthening, parallel bars, legs Lateral stretching, etc.; it can comprehensively train muscles such as the abdomen, arms, back, chest, legs, buttocks, etc. to shape the body and enhance human coordination. Equipped with an abdominal board and parallel bars, there are more interesting exercise options; you can perform more than a dozen anaerobic strength movements such as butterfly arms, forward push, high pull, hand muscles, and leg muscles.

9、Seated rowing machine

It mainly targets the latissimus dorsi, teres major, rear deltoid, biceps, trapezius, etc. exercises to increase the muscle mass of the latissimus dorsi and highlight the beautiful curves of the muscles.

For those who are losing weight, it can improve the body’s basal metabolism, thereby losing weight better, healthier and faster; for those who are gaining muscle, it can increase the muscles of the latissimus dorsi and make the lines of the muscles more beautiful, thus making the usual clothes more beautiful. .

In addition to the equipment introduced above, some gyms also have a variety of comprehensive training equipment. We will not introduce them one by one here.

But no matter what the equipment is, as long as you master the skills of each fitness movement, you can draw inferences from one example and you will no longer feel like a layman when you enter the gym.

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