What good habits do you need to develop for fitness?


  1. Warm up before exercising. Many people ignore the warm-up when exercising and think that it is not important. However, now that the weather is getting colder and colder, sprains and strains can easily occur if you don’t warm up during exercise. Before fitness, do a set of dynamic stretching to activate the body muscles and improve the flexibility of the joints. Then do a set of jumping jacks to increase body temperature and gradually find the feeling of exercise. This can effectively improve fitness efficiency and reduce the chance of injury.
  2. Strength training first, then aerobic exercise. The correct steps for scientific fitness are: do strength training first, then do aerobic exercise. Do strength training when you are most physically fit. This can focus your attention and allow you to effectively stimulate muscle groups and improve your fitness. Muscle dimensions. Strength training is mainly compound movements, focusing on the training of large muscle groups of the body. Large muscle groups can drive the development of small muscle groups and effectively increase the body’s basal metabolic value. Strength training first can help you consume glycogen, and then arrange aerobic exercise, which can put the body into a fat-burning state faster and improve weight loss efficiency.
  3. Replenish water in time during fitness. During fitness, the body will sweat, the body will lack water, and the metabolic cycle will decrease. When exercising, we should also replenish water in time instead of waiting until after exercising to drink water. This can easily irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause the loss of electrolytes in the body, which is not good for health. The correct approach is: replenish water before and after fitness. You can also replenish water during fitness, but replenish water in small sips to help intestinal absorption. Warm water is suitable, 100-150ml each time, do not drink in large gulps.
  4. Do not exercise on an empty stomach. Many people think that exercising on an empty stomach is more effective in losing weight. However, exercising on an empty stomach will reduce exercise endurance. Some people can easily induce hypoglycemia, fatigue and gastrointestinal diseases, which is not good for their health and will also affect their weight loss efficiency. decline. If we want to be in better shape for fitness, we must avoid exercising on an empty stomach. We can add some natural, low-calorie ingredients, such as eating a cucumber, an apple, and a hard-boiled egg. This can control calorie intake and keep the body healthy. Only when you exercise do you have enough physical fitness to achieve weight loss results.
  5. The most taboo thing about not persevering in fitness is lack of perseverance and three-minute heat. Such behavior will not lead to a good figure. Fitness is something that requires persistence to gain results. If you can’t get out of your comfort zone, you won’t be able to get in good shape. If you want to reap the benefits of fitness, in addition to customizing a scientific plan, you also need to maintain enough perseverance and check in more than three times a week. For those who want to lose fat, it will take more than 2-3 months, and for those who want to gain muscle, it will take at least 3-4 months. Only with the above can you witness the obvious transformation of your body.

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